Asset Information Pane

Fixed Assets - Asset Information Pane

The Asset Information Pane is the starting point for entering a new asset. Your rolled over data is automatically entered in this section. For all new assets, complete the Asset Information Pane, and then enter at least a cost or basis on the Depreciation and Section 179 tab. Complete the Auto/Listed and Dispositions tabs as needed.

Asset Information Pane fields:

  • Item#: A unique item number for the asset (created by the user to identify the assets).
  • Description: A description of the asset.
  • Date in service: The date the asset was placed in service.
  • Activity: Any business activity form added to the return will show in the activity list. Select from the list to assign the asset to a business activity form. Some business activities can have several copies and may be appended with :01, :02 and so forth.
  • Category/Sub-Category: Select from a category and subcategory to enable defaults for recovery period, method, and convention.
  • New asset: Indicates if the asset meets original use requirements for bonus depreciation.
  • Balance Sheet: Sends the depreciation to the balance sheet (Schedule L) of business forms.
  • IRC Section: Internal Revenue Code Section for amortized assets for page 2 of Form 4562.
  • AMT Adj. Type: For amortized assets, this affects the AMT column’s recovery period.
  • Bus percent: Percentage the asset was used for business use. ATX defaults this to 100%.
  • Serial #: Serial number of the item, if applicable.
  • Multiple Asset Account: Check to designate this asset as the parent in a multiple asset account. (This check box is only active and available in Enhanced Asset Management.


See Also:

Depreciation and Section 179 Tab

Auto/Listed Tab

Dispositions Tab

Entering a New Asset

Fixed Asset Manager